IGNITE 2017 – A night of music and praise

IGNITE, A night of music and praise is a musical concert with Pastor Joel Thomas Raj and Evangelist Bernard Clifford on May 27th. This will be held at Marvin Memorial United Methodist Church, Silver Spring, MD 20871.

A night a praise and worship with amazingly talented musicians and worshipers. Karthik Rajaram will be our special guest musician from Ohio. Bezy, a worshiper, and a classy keyboardist will be on the keys. Zeb will be on the drum. Milton, a worshiper and a talented bassist, Raj Daniel, an amazing worship leader and highly talented acoustic guitarist.

Bro. Parthiban Joseph, a prophet, and servant of God will be leading the entire program.

This is a unique opportunity to witness the presence of God in our life and it’s going to be a life-changing experience.
Doors open at 5:30 pm. Come early to have a small refreshment and can listen to Indian Classical music.
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